Log in to PTConline: PTC's online learning platform
Is this your first time here?
To log in, you need your PTC email address, @ptc.vic.edu.au. Other domains will be rejected.
Follow these steps
1. If you are currently logged into a Microsoft or Google website with a personal address, you may need to sign out. For a quick way around this, open a private (incognito) windows in your browser and log in there.
2. Click the login button and follow any prompts. You will be logged into a Google and a Microsoft account.
Forgotten your password?
If you have forgotten your password, you may try to follow the Microsoft (not Google) forgotten password procedure. If that doesn't work, email the IT co-ordinator.
Can't login?
Most login problems are caused by conflicting accounts, users trying to log in with a non PTC email address, or users entering the wrong account details. Before asking for help, please try login in a private (incognito) browser window, check your login details, and troubleshoot at ptc.edu.au/tech-support#troubleshooter.
Help - I can't submit my work.
If there is a problem with submission, please email the assignment to the lecturer, and the time stamp on the email will be taken as the submission time. Otherwise, the PTC late penalties policy applies. Please submit online as soon as the site becomes available (within business hours).